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A row of South Cheerleaders greet guests as they arrive at SouthA comprehensive high school with a full range of academic offerings, clubs and activities, South High School on Wednesday welcomed members of the Class of 2028, introducing them to the many benefits of being part of Colt-ture.

To support incoming freshmen, South provides mentoring through the LINK Crew, a Freshman Seminar and a summer transitional program, after-school tutoring, and a “Friday school.”

On Wednesday, many of those incoming freshman and their families got a birds-eye view of the various classes -- basic and honors classes, Advanced Placement, STS (college-level), and concurrent enrollment with local colleges -- clubs and activities that define South.

Under the direction of veteran educators Rob Smith and Wayne Genova, the South music program continues to make great strides. The talents of these performers was on full display during the open house.

Speaking on behalf of their positive experience as Colts were several student leaders, including scholar athlete Maurice Austin and Colby Wyatt.In the gymnasium, cafeteria and halls, visitors met with students, staff and alumni to find out how to make the most out of their experience as Colts.