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2024-25 Return to School Plan
Pueblo District 60 will provide full in-person learning at all K-12 schools, four days per week (Monday-Thursday) for the 2024-25 school year. The district has made available a 100% remote learning option for grades 5-8 through the launch of D60 Online. Parents must register for this option and enroll in that specific school. In addition, Paragon Learning Academy also provides a hybrid or 100% remote learning option for students in grades 9-12. Again, students must enroll in that school to access that instructional model.
Please mark your calendars for Monday, August 19, 2024, for our reorientation and transition day for students. This day allows our students to begin their 2024-2025 school year with a strong foundation by building relationships with the teachers and staff at their schools who will be leading students on their learning journeys this year. Each school will communicate with families the specific schedule of events for that day, so please contact the school with specific questions.We are looking forward to welcoming all of our students back to school for the first full day of classes on Tuesday, August 20, 2024. The first day of school for preschool students will be August 26, 2024.
As students return to the classroom, we will ensure the safety of our students and staff to the greatest extent possible. This is a community-wide priority, and we all have to do our part to make this happen. The D60 Return to Learn School Plan includes numerous health and safety protocols that D60 is taking to minimize the exposure and spread of COVID-19. Remember that the number one protective strategy families can take is to ensure all eligible family members are fully vaccinated.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “COVID-19 is mostly spread by respiratory droplets released when people talk, cough, or sneeze. It is thought that the virus may spread to hands from a contaminated surface and then to the nose or mouth, causing infection.” Therefore, in order to lower COVID-19 exposure and spread, the following specific health and safety expectations, practices, and procedures will be put in place in all D60 schools.
Staying home when appropriate
Employees and students who are sick with COVID-19 are asked to stay at home.
Social Distancing
- For the 2023-2024 academic year, D60 will not require any specific social distance expectations.
- PreK-12 students may have specific seats in each classroom if deemed necessary by the teacher or school administration.
Continue to support mask use by staff and students, as determined appropriate by the individual. However, masks are optional for all D60 staff, students, and visitors. The decision to mask/not mask is a personal choice and the expectation is that either choice will be respected in the school setting.
Frequent handwashing
- Proper handwashing protocols and frequent handwashing will be encouraged whenever feasible (when in classrooms with sinks, during restroom visits).
- Students will be encouraged to wash their hands or use the provided hand sanitizer directly before eating lunch.
Signs & Floor Stickers
- Although not required, D60 schools may place developmentally appropriate signage such as social distancing and good hygiene (handwashing). Signs may be hung on walls and stickers placed on floors of public areas, including the cafeteria, hallways, front office, classrooms, and all major entrances.
- Bussing will operate on normal schedules.
- Buses will be disinfected, as needed.
Cleaning & Disinfecting
- High-touch areas (bathrooms, water fountains, door handles, shared surfaces, etc.) will be cleaned by custodians.
- As necessary and/or appropriate, buildings will be disinfected.
Use of Water Fountains
- Students and staff will be able to use water fountains. The use of water bottles is encouraged but not required. Water bottles should not be shared.
- As in the past, disposable plastic bottles of water may be provided during high-heat days only, as needed.
- Buildings will be encouraged to increase the circulation of outdoor air by opening windows and doors, as long as doing so does not pose a safety risk. (This may need to be limited in air-conditioned buildings during extremely hot weather.).
- Fans can be used, particularly during extreme heat conditions.
Sharing of Materials
- Textbooks and supplies may be shared.
- Sharing/checking out of Media Center books will be permitted.
- Student hallway and PE/athletic lockers may be used.
Cafeteria Use / Breakfast & Lunch Services
- All kitchens will be fully cleaned and sanitized following regular cleaning procedures.
- Breakfast and lunch will be served per normal school routines and schedules.
High Aerosol Classes
- High aerosol classes, including PE, may be encouraged to meet outdoors when possible.
- PE lockers may be used.
Band/Orchestra/Instrumental Music in grades 6-12
- Elementary Music
- Masks will not be required for elementary music classes, performances, and/ or activities.
- Band/Orchestra/Instrumental Music in grades 6-12
- Masks will not be needed for music-related classes, performances, and activities.
- Choir
- Masks will not be needed for choir classes, performances, and activities.
- Athletic practices and events will follow current athletic procedures, as well as the current guidelines from CHSAA.
Maintaining Healthy Operations
- D60 schools will return to normal arrival and dismissal routines.
Hallway Transitions- “One way” hallways and/or staggered transition times will not be required. Individual schools may enact such procedures per their discretion.
Visitors and Volunteers- Outside visitors, volunteers and community partners will be permitted.
- Use of school facilities by outside organizations will be permitted.