Preschool in District 60

  • Pre-K student at the Paragon Learning Center The purpose of Pueblo School District 60's preschool program is to provide a quality preschool experience for children ages 3–4 years of age. The ultimate goal of Pueblo School District 60 is to stimulate and develop the necessary skills in young children so that they begin school ready to learn.

    Preschool in 2024-2025 requires that all incoming students be fully potty-trained at the time of attendance.

    Four-year-old families will apply for preschool for the 2024-25 school year through Colorado Universal Preschool. 

    Three-year-old families will apply for preschool through Early Childhood. Applications are now OPEN.

    Pueblo School District 60 preschool spots are limited, the early childhood program is application-only, and children must meet the eligibility requirements outlined by the State of Colorado.

    4-YEAR-OLD PRE-K FOR 2024-25

    3-YEAR-OLD PRE-K FOR 2024-25

    Need assistance?

    If you need help completing your Colorado Universal Preschool application, please call (719) 549-3407.

    If you need help completing your three-year-old application, please call the Early Childhood Department at (719) 253-6016.

    For more information about preschool eligibility or the preschool program, please call Early Childhood Education at (719) 253-6016 or e-mail the Early Childhood Department at

    Privacy Statement

    The questions in the application are asked of every family that applies to preschool and are in no way meant to offend. Please know that all information that you share is used ONLY for the purpose of prioritizing applications for acceptance into the Preschool program. Please know that ALL information shared will not be shared with anyone else.

  • Does my child qualify for Pre-K in D60?

  • What documents do I need?

  • How do I apply?