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Suspensions & Expulsions
If students exhibit harmful or disruptive behavior, suspension and expulsion may be considered appropriate discipline for the student. A full list of behaviors considered grounds for suspension and/or expulsion, as well as definitions of those behaviors, can be found in the Student Content & Discipline Code.
In general, patterns of willful disobedience, destruction of property, robbery, assault, and possession of a drug or dangerous weapon, are among the infractions considered grounds for suspension and/or expulsion.
Suspension & Expulsion Procedures Explained
Suspension Procedure
School principals have the power to suspend a student for not more than five or 10 days, depending upon the type of infraction. The Superintendent can suspend a student for additional periods of time.
When considering suspension, the principal and/or Superintendent shall follow procedures and guidelines outlined in the Student Content & Discipline Code. In general, those procedures include contacting the student’s parent/guardian, a statement of infraction(s) considered grounds for suspension, and if further actions must be taken, grounds for taking such actions.
Note: Suspended students will be provided an opportunity to make up school work during their suspension.
Expulsion Procedures
Expulsion (denial of admission) of a student is a serious matter and is only considered in extreme circumstances. Full expulsion procedures and guidelines are outlined in the Student Content & Discipline Code.
If expulsion is being considered, the student and their parent/guardian will be notified and given the reasons for expulsion. The parent/guardian may request a hearing to contest the expulsion.
If expulsion is deemed appropriate by the District 60 Board of Education, the students and their parent/guardian will be provided with alternative schooling options, which may include home schooling.
Questions & further resources
For specific questions about District suspension and expulsion procedures, contact the District 60 School Culture, Wellness and Safety office at (719) 549-7285.
You may also consult the following resources to further explain procedures that could impact suspension & expulsion decisions: